Saturday, July 24, 2010

!!! Perfect day to begin something new !!!

Hi everyone!!! I am a new blogger... Blogging has been on my mind for quite some time but never really found the time and interest to do so... Well an acquaint of mine inspired me to create my blog and so i created one quite some few months back, but i guess i was lazy to start or maybe didnt find anything interesting to start posting with... But today i begin as i turn 26 and hope to continue on!!!!



For YOU have been my LORD and my SAVIOR and YOU indeed have all authority over my life ever since the day I was born till today and YOU will always have forever till eternity.
!!! AMEN !!!

I am and always will be grateful to my family, friends, church, mentors, acquaintances and many others who have been a part of me this journey of mine. Good or bitter experiences, short or longlasting relationships -I have always learned something from all of them. Someday I will introduce them in my latter posts.

But from a child till who I am now, I believe I have always been learning and growing.

I have enjoyed God, my life, my call, my relationships and my responsibilities with an ascending degree of maturity and fun. I pray I would be ready for everything that is ahead of me with humility and total surrenderance and faith in GOD.

!!! Bless you all !!!

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